Sejlguide til sikker sejlads




Sailing Guide is an app in Danish focusing on the basic international sea rules.The apps primary target group is yachtsmen, surfers and other hobbyists in the Danish waters. The sailing guide is intended as a quick reference work with references to seam marks / buoys, ship lights, wedge rules, emergency signals, beams, knobs and connectors, bridge passage signals and audio signals. The app also includes a quiz to help sailors who are preparing for a skill certificate or speedboat license.App Content:* Seam marks / buoys - see IALA region A* Celebrity signals - ship lights and signal figures* Rule rules - rules for management and navigation* Emergency signals - the most common emergency signals* Boats - land and land markings* Passage signals - the basic bridge pass signals* Audio signals - maneuvering and warning signals* Knots and Plugs - Pile Stitches and more* Quiz - test your knowledge